CGM Open Foundation (CGMO) in no way endorses the member products that are referenced on these Web pages, nor does it make any representation express or implied about the quality of any of these products, or the fitness and suitability of any reference product for any particular purposes.
CGMO offers these product listing pages as a benefit of membership, on the condition that the member supply a self-assessment pro forma associated with each product.
It is a policy of CGMO to strive to foster better quality and interoperability of products, and CGMO believes that user access to information about quality, completeness, and interoperability is a key component of such a policy.
Nevertheless CGMO takes no position on the accuracy of any vendor's listed information, nor its relevance or applicability to the purposes, needs, or goals of any potential users.
CGMO urges potential users of any of these products to study all available information thoroughly, and to query product vendors carefully on questions of completeness, quality, suitability, and interoperability.