WebCGM TR Tabulation
15 February 2001

URI Fragment

TR identifier


Purpose/Test Requirement
N76 3.1.1.p2
Viewers shall support pictures and objects (APS) addressing within a WebCGM using URI fragments: base URI, followed by "#", followed by any legal fragment specification according to the WebCGM fragment EBNF. (Note. This should decompose into a series of full-syntax-support test requirements, dependent upon the components and allowable variations of the EBNF. Later, specific TRs should supersede this.)
N92 3.1.1.l1 Viewers shall support the 5 fragment variations: picterm "." objterm | picterm | objterm | picid "." objid | objid
N104 3.1.1.l2
Viewers shall support the 2 picterm picture-selection variations: pictureid | pictsequence, respectively containing the (string) id or (numeric) picture sequence number, plus an optional picture behavior value.
N118 3.1.1.l5 Viewers shall support the 6 picture behavior options: _blank | _self | _parent | _replace | _top | target
N130 3.1.1.l9 Viewers shall support the 2 objterm object-selection variations: objectid | objectname, respectively containing the (string) APS 'id' parameter or (string) picture sequence number, plus an optional object behavior value.
N142 3.1.1.l11 Viewers shall support the 3 object behavior options: "view_context" | "highlight" | "highlight_all"
N154 picid option is id parameter in the BEGIN PICTURE element. If the metafile does not contain a picture with matching id, the first picture in the metafile is chosen.
N166 picseqno option is the sequence number of the picture to be viewed. "1" is the first picture, "2" is the second picture, etc. If picseqno exceeds the number of pictures in the metafile, the last picture is displayed
N178 If the picture behavior is not one of the 5 reserved keywords as defined in HTML 4.0, _blank | _self | _parent | _replace | _top, then it shall be a valid Frame Target Name, which begin with [A-Za-z].
N190 If picture behavior is _blank, the viewer shall load the selected picture in a new, unnamed window.
N202 If picture behavior is _self, the viewer shall load the document in the same frame as the one containing the CGM picture that refers to this target.
N214 If picture behavior is _parent, the viewer shall load the document into the immediate FRAMESET parent of the current frame in which the current picture is displayed. This value is equivalent to "_self" if the current frame has no parent.
N226 If picture behavior is _replace, the viewer shall replace the current CGM picture by the designated CGM picture in the same rectangular area in the same frame as the picture which refers to this target.
N238 _replace is the default picture behavior that viewers shall use in the absence of explicit picture behavior specification in the fragment
N250 If picture behavior is _top, the viewer should load the document into the full, original window (thus canceling all other frames). This value is equivalent to _self if the current frame has no parent.
N262 If the picture behavior value is any valid name string beginning with (a-zA-Z), and if it matches the name of a frame, remove the existing content from the frame whose name matches the string and display the document in the specified frame.
N274 If the picture behavior value is any valid name string beginning with (a-zA-Z), and if no frame exists with the specified name, the viewer should load the designated document in a new window with the specified name.
N286 objid option is the id parameter of an APS element of type 'grobject', 'para' or 'subpara' to be selected. If no match is found in the picture, no object is selected.
N298 objname option is the value of a 'name' APS attribute in an APS element of type 'grobject', 'para', or 'subpara'. The first object in the picture which contains a name attribute with a matching value is selected.
N310 objname option is the value of a 'name' APS attribute in an APS element of type 'grobject', 'para', or 'subpara'. If no match is found in the picture, no grobject is selected.
N322 objname option is the value of a 'name' APS attribute in an APS element of type 'grobject', 'para', or 'subpara'. If more than one match is found in the picture the 'highlight_all' behavior can be used to highlight all selected objects.
N334 If the objbehavior vlaue is view_context, and if a 'ViewContext' attribute exists for a selected object APS, the viewer shall display only the rectangular region of the picture defined in the ViewContext attribute, and highlight the object.
N346 If the objbehavior value is view_context, and if no 'ViewContext' attribute exists for a selected object APS, the highlight behavior shall be implemented.
N358 highlight is the default object behavior that viewers shall use in the absence of explicit object behavior specification in the fragment
N370 If the objbehavior value is highlight, the viewer shall highlight the first object selected and ignore the ViewContext attribute, if present
N382 If the objbehavior value is highlight_all, the viewer shall highlight all objects selected.

'grobject' and Attributes
(Attributes: region, viewcontext, linkURI, screentip, name)

TR identifier


Purpose/Test Requirement
'Grobject' APSs may contain any CGM graphical content allowed by this profile, may contain the other APSs of type grobject and para, and may contain APS attributes region, viewcontext, linkURI, screentip, and name.
N448 'grobject' object is geometrically identified for pick purposes either by the set of primitives enclosed between the BEGIN APS and END APS elements (if any), or by the spatial region associated with the 'region' APS Attribute (if present).
N460 Viewer pick behavior. No viewer action required if the object does not contain a 'region' attribute and contains no a LinkURI attributes. [Spec, note: non-action is not explicitly mandated.]
Viewer pick behavior. If the object contains at least one 'LinkURI' attribute but no 'region' attribute, a click on non-transparent areas of the graphical elements of the object selects the object, and the viewer shall cause the link to be navigated.
N486 Viewer pick behavior. If the object does not contain any visible graphical primitives and no 'region' attribute, no viewer action is required. [Spec, note: non-action is not explicitly mandated.]

Viewer pick behavior. If the object contains visible graphical primitives, no 'region' attribute, and more than one LinkURI attribute, a click on non-transparent areas of the graphical elements of the object selects the object, and the viewer shall give the user a choice of which URI to navigate, and shall cause the selected link to be navigated.

Viewer pick behavior. If the object contains a 'region' attribute and contains one LinkURI attribute, the object is selected by a user click within the 'region', and the viewer shall cause the link to be navigated.

Viewer pick behavior. If the object contains a 'region' attribute and contains more than one LinkURI attribute, the object is selected by a user click within the 'region', and the viewer shall give the user a choice of which link to navigate, and the viewer shall cause the selected link to be navigated.
Viewer pick behavior. If the object contains a 'region' attribute but no LinkURI attributes, then no viewer action is required upon user click. [Spec, note: non-action is not explicitly mandated.]
N567 Viewer pick behavior. If the pick has selected more than one APS (and each contains a linkURI), and the APSs are not nested, then the APS with the highest pick priority is the one whose picking region (geometry or 'region' attribute) occurs latest in the picture.
N579 Viewer pick behavior. If a user pick has selected more than one APS (and each contains a linkURI), and the APSs are nested, the user shall be given a choice of which URI to negotiate
N591 Viewer pick behavior. Viewers shall give visual feedback to the user that a successful pick has occurred, and an indication of the particular object (or region) which has been picked.
N603 If an APS is the target of a link, either from within the picture or from content external to the picture, and if the object contains a 'viewcontext' attribute, the viewer shall fit the view context into the viewer's display rectangle and create a new display inside this rectangle.
N615 If an APS is the target of a link, either from within the picture or from content external to the picture, and if the object does not contain a 'viewcontext' attribute, but contains a 'region' attribute, the viewer shall move the object into view and indicate visually that the region is the target of the link.
N627 If an APS is the target of a link, either from within the picture or from content external to the picture, and if the object contains neither a view context nor a region attribute, the viewer shall move the object into view and indicate visually that the graphical primitives of the grobject are the target of the link.
N639 Simple regions of type rectangle, ellipse, polygon, and continuous polybezier can be defined with the 'region' APS attribute (per SDR syntax of
N651 Complex regions which comprise a collection of simple regions can be defined with the 'region' APS attribute (per SDR syntax of The semantics (subregions, and interior/exterior definition) are identical to those of the CGM element CLOSED FIGURE.
N663 For polygon and polybezier regions, closure is implicit (if the last given point does not match the first, then the viewer closes the region with a straight line segment from the last to the first).
N675 The 'ViewContext' APS Attribute provides specification to viewers of the initial view of an object, when the viewer has been directed to navigate to the graphical object which contains this attribute.
N687 A 'ViewContext' APS Attribute may be contained within an otherwise empty APS, in which case the APS provides only a viewport specification.
N699 The first string of linkURI SDR's three strings (URI, LinkTitle, Behavior) defines the link destination, and is any valid URI according to RFC 1738 & 1808.
The third string of linkURI SDR's three strings (URI, LinkTitle, Behavior) defines the viewer Behavior, which shall be used when the first (URI) string points to non-CGM media types, and which shall have the values and semantics matching the Picture Behavior parameter (per
If the URI points to CGM media type, pictures and objects within the CGM, as well as picture and object behaviors, shall be encoded in the fragment, per the specifications of 3.1.1.
N741 A 'ScreenTip' APS Attribute may occur within any valid APS of WebCGM, and there shall be at most one occurrence within any particular APS.
N753 Viewers shall be capable of displaying the screen tip, if one is defined for a graphical object, visible to the user when the cursor passes over the graphical object, in the common style of Web browsers.
The 'name' APS Attribute defines a "common name", not necessarily unique, associated with an object. Viewers shall support object addressing using 'name' as defined in the fragment specification of 3.1.1.

'layer' and Attributes
(attributes: layername, layerdescription)

TR identifier


Purpose/Test Requirement
N822 'layer' APS declares that the graphical content within this APS and any valid nested APS ('grobject' and 'para', but not 'layer') belong to the layer identified by the contained 'LayerName' APS attribute.
N834 Each 'layer' APS shall contain exactly one 'LayerName' APS attribute and also may contain one Layer description APS attribute.
N846 Viewers shall provide functionality to inform users of the presence of layers, their names and descriptions.
N858 Viewers shall provide functionality to selectively turn on and off the visibility of layers.
N870 Viewer may, but are not required to, provide additional functionality for the view manipulation and browsing of layers.

'para' and Attributes
(Attributes: region, viewcontext, linkURI, screentip, content)

TR identifier


Purpose/Test Requirement

'Para' APSs may contain any CGM graphical content allowed by this profile, may contain 'subpara' APS, and may contain APS attributes, region, viewcontext, linkuri, screentip, and content.
If viewers support searching, search-match priority shall be: 'para' with matching 'content' (1st priority match); 'para' without 'content' but with recognizable single-element RESTRICTED TEXT match (2nd priority match); or, single-element RESTRICTED TEXT match, outside of any 'para' (3rd priority match).
N952 WRT picking and link navigation, the viewer behavior of 'para' is identical to that of 'grobject'. NOTE: This statement causes inclusion here, for 'para', of all of the TRs for 'grobject', except for the first, which is the Content Model, and except for the last, that para's are not addressable by 'name' APS attribute.

'subpara' and Attributes
(Attributes: region, viewcontext, linkURI, screentip, content)

TR identifier


Purpose/Test Requirement
'Subpara' APSs may contain any CGM graphical content allowed by this profile, may not contain any nested APS, and may contain APS attributes, region, viewcontext, linkuri, screentip, and content.
(Viewer behavior. See ... 'para'.) If viewers support searching, search-match priority shall be: 'subpara' with matching 'content' (1st priority match); 'subpara' without 'content' but with recognizable single-element RESTRICTED TEXT match (2nd priority match); or, single-element RESTRICTED TEXT match, outside of any 'subpara' (3rd priority match).
WRT picking and link navigation, the viewer behavior of 'subpara' is identical to that of 'grobject'. NOTE: This statement causes inclusion here, for 'subpara', of all of the TRs for 'grobject', except for the first, which is the Content Model, and except for the last, that subpara's are not addressable by 'name' APS attribute.


TR identifier


Purpose/Test Requirement
N1087 3.2.1.p1.s1
APS types 'grobject', 'layer', 'para', 'subpara' shall be supported by viewers. No other APS types are allowed in WebCGM.